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The Charles W. Cammack Children’s Center was founded in 1914 as the Huntington Union Mission Settlement. Children with a wide variety of backgrounds and lifestyles came to the Settlement including dependent, neglected and orphaned children. The purpose for the Children’s home included providing a kindergarten, day nursery, boarding home, gymnasium and a home for orphaned infants and children. The Huntington Union Mission Settlement became the first child facility in the state to be licensed by the State Department of Public Assistance, currently known as the Department of Human Services in 1938.
Mr. Charles W. Cammack served as the facility’s president from 1919 until 1946. It was after his death that the name was changed from the Huntington Union Mission Settlement to the Charles W. Cammack Children’s Center, Inc. In 1980 Cammack began a New Directions campaign that would expand and change their existing program. The goal was to create, develop and implement a more treatment oriented program to help address the growing needs of the children and families they served. It was through this campaign that Cammack Children’s Center decided to change their focus from infants and small children to adolescent youth.
Today, Cammack is a residential facility for youth who need a structured living situation that also provides treatment for their underlying issues. We currently serve 32 children; both male and female ages 12 thru 17 in a dormitory style setting. Cammack strives to develop each child’s potential and prepare them to return home, to foster care or an independent living setting ready to make a positive contribution to their community.