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Please feel free to contact us if any of our staff can be of any assistance to you.
Cammack Children’s Center is a Level II therapeutic group home with an intensive professional multi-disciplinary focus for adolescents who are in need of a residential setting. We provide a structured and alternative living situation for both male and female youth between the ages of 12 thru 17 who are in the Department of Health and Human Resources custody.
We are a non-profit organization that is licensed by the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources office of Behavioral Health and Social Services. Currently we are also enrolled as an approved West Virginia Medicaid service provider.
Cammack has been serving the children and families of the Huntington area and surrounding counties since 1914.
Mission Statement:The mission of Cammack Children Center is to provide effective intervention for multi-problem youth by providing and supporting a range of comprehensive and cost-efficient services that include a safe, therapeutic environment, and an opportunity to grow and succeed. Purpose Statement:To provide individualized treatment programs that provide stability and security so that a youth may return to a family living arrangement as quickly as possible. View Our Privacy Policy |