In order to be placed at Cammack a youth must be in the custody of the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources.

The DHHR Social Worker should complete the APR and email or fax all needed documentation to Cammack including: Psychological report, school records, social and medical history.

Social Workers should call and schedule a pre-placement interview; this is to help determine if our program is the best fit for the adolescent. We request the following information in advance:

  • Social History
  • Medical History
  • Psychiatric/Psychological Report
  • School Records
  • Immunization Records
  • Court Status/Order
  • Custody Information/Order
  • Birth Certificate
  • Social Security Card

If the above information is not available in advance, we request that the Social Worker bring it with him/her to the interview.

During the interview, the child, parents, and Social Worker are encouraged to ask questions and participate in the intake process.

Placement at Cammack is dependent on:

  1. The child being a WV resident
  2. Current bed space being available
  3. Level of care needed for the child